Sunday, June 15, 2008



The Bible highlights the three purchases of land made in Israel that were made by Abraham, Jacob, and King David.

It was foreseen that the time would come when there would be a challenge to Jewish ownership rights in Israel by the nations of the world. Therefore even though God promised Abraham the land would belong to the Jews, a point was made to show the world there were actual purchases of those sections that would later be contentious.

1- Abraham paid for the land in Hebron that would be a burial place for Sarah and himself. Abraham used what was then considered international currency (type of money acceptable anywhere) to symbolically establish a new sovereignty and reality for the status of the land.

2- Jacob paid for land in Shechem to build an altar to God. He used what was then considered international currency making it a sovereign acquisition thus symbolically also establishing a new sovereignty and reality for that parcel of land.

3- King David’s purchase of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was also done in a manner that made it considered a sovereign ownership of the land.

Today many people who do not believe in the Bible say there is no proof that God even exists and created the world.

Well, the proof is here today in our book ‘WHY HUMAN BEINGS DO NOT NEED BLIND FAITH TO BELIEVE IN CREATIONISM.’ The sync with the story of creation and science is that proof and we hope that you readers of these blogs would not only want to purchase that book but make it a point to tell your family and friends about it and they should pass the message on in a similar manner.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bible Does NOT Say Man is Made From Dust

Blog 9

Bible Does NOT Say Man Is Literally Created From the Dust of the Ground

To many people a misunderstanding of the Bible leads them to believe man was created from dust (Genesis 2:7), the name of the first man was Adam, and Eve was created from a rib of Adam. The metaphors of the parable of the Garden of Eden story need to be clarified.

Let us return to Genesis 1:27 and there the Bible tells us “And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.”

Our book “Why Human Beings Do Not Need Blind Faith to Believe in Creationism” explains that man (homo sapiens) was created by God approximately 200,000 years ago.

The Hebrew word for ‘created’ is transliterated as BOR-AH and Genesis 1:27 tells us that the entity called ‘man’ is an original creation by God for the first (and only ) time and the term ‘in His image’ means ‘in the mold God prepared for man’ and not as God looks because we have no clue as to what the appearance of God is like. Let us emphasize that Genesis 1:27 also clearly states that women were created also at that time. We all learned in school that man started out as a cave man that existed as a gatherer and slowly evolved (within its own species). Man is now evolved enough, as determined by God, to be able to recognize Him and pray directly to Him and all this took place 5768 years ago (as per the present calendar year of 2008) and that evolved or developed man is now having his psyche story of progress reviewed in the parable of the Garden of Eden story.

We call the living man in the story Adam and his wife Eve and as the stars of the show they stand in and represent the mankind that evolved up to that period. God wants to explain to the Israelites through the story of the Garden of Eden starring Adam and Eve what man does wrong and what is the right road to travel to find spirituality to God.

Thus in Genesis 2:7 when we read “and the Lord formed man of dust and from the earth; and He blew into his nostrils the soul of life; and man became a living thing” a detailed explanation is required because ‘living thing’ here is reference to spirituality.

The key word for the understanding of Genesis 2:7 is the word ‘formed.’ The Hebrew word for ‘formed’ is not a synonym for the word ‘created.’ Man and woman were already created in Genesis 1:27.

The Hebrew word for ‘formed’ here refers to character and values which etymologically means ‘shaped.’ There is a justified confusion here because the modern use of that Hebrew word refers to ‘produce’ or ‘create’ but again, as used in the scrolls of Moses over 2000 years ago at the time of the Exodus the word refers to ‘shaping’ and in this story, the shaping up of the mindset of mankind.

In the scrolls of Moses we find the Hebrew spelling of the word for ‘formed’ different for the forming of animals from the forming of man. A Hebrew letter called a ‘yud’ is found in the word only once for the forming of animals that God speaks of after they have been created in Genesis 1, but there are two yuds for the forming of man that God is only analyzing and detailing in Genesis 2. One great Sage named Rashi believed the difference in the number of yuds refers to the topic of resurrection of life after death.

The word ‘dust’ in Hebrew is synonymous with the word for clay and the Hebrew religion describes God as the potter who shapes and reshapes his work until satisfied.

This parable delivery of the story of Adam being developed from clay is needed to comply with the mindset of the Israelites of that period who had been imbued with stories from their ancient Semitic culture of people who had been developed from clay-type soil that had been shaped into human form and then animated.

For those fundamentalists who want to argue that God literally created Adam at that time, let us remember we are in Day (Period) 7 and all God’s creation work had been completed in Period 6 and the Lord was now resting.

For more details of this story and what is meant by God removing a rib of Adam to metaphorically create a woman, move now to order the book.

Good reading!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

DINOSAURS & the TORAH (Bilble, Old Testament)

Post 8

DINOSAURS and the TORAH (Hebrew Bible, Old Testament)

In Genesis 1:20 of Period 5 of the creation process, God spells out a mission statement for only two entities when He declared “The waters shall bring forth swarms of living creatures, and birds that fly over the earth across the lower heavens of the sky.”

But then in Genesis 1:21 “And God created the great sea giants (monsters) and all the living creatures of every kind that creep, with which the waters swarmed after their kinds, and all the winged birds of every kind. And God saw that it was good.”

It would appear that something went awry in the chronological order of creation and why would God say the giant monsters were a ‘good’ creation when they eventually disappeared from the world? But this is only because we did not understand the order of creation and we were told by the great Sages of the past that the creation of the giant sea monsters was a mistake and because they eventually disappeared, that God never really intended for them to be created. Those Sages even philosophized that God created several worlds before He got it right.

Today we know that the Bible’s referral to giant sea monsters meant dinosaurs which we today classify as ‘ancient reptiles’ and although dinosaurs were not all amphibians we know that origin for all life started in the seas.

The primitive vertebrates were aquatic. There was a slow long transition for those forms of reptiles and ancient vertebrate that eventually appeared on land and some records show this stage as developed from 340-320 million years ago. Dinosaur fossils (known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil) are about 230 million years old. But the ancestors of all dinosaurs were small lizards-like reptiles that are believed to have appeared 330 million years ago.

Dinosaurs ranged in size from the Brachiosaurus that was the length of two large school buses and the height of a four-story building to the Compsognathus which was just slightly larger than a chicken.

Approximately 700 different dinosaur species existed until 65 million years ago when dinosaurs became extinct after having existed for about 165 million years. Dinosaurs were reptiles but some were amphibious.

So then the question is posed, why were those dinosaurs (giant monsters) made if they were not intended to survive? Today science answers that question and there is total agreement that dinosaurs served as the origin of birds.

We know today there were two major groups of dinosaurs, the ornithischians and saurischians. Birds descended from the saurischians and continue to live and dominate the skies as God said they would. The first birds of the types we see today developed about 100 million years ago as many original species of birds that developed from the small meat-eating dinosaurs became extinct. Many scientists, including Thomas Henry Huxley, believed the birds resembled the theropod dinosaurs (especially the coelurosaurs).

The earliest ‘creeping creatures with which the waters swarmed’ are classified as reptiles. Those that did survive the Cretaceous Period of 140 million years ago were killed off by whales when they took to the sea.

In summary, the answer for the reason for the creation of dinosaurs is because they were a needed building block for the development of birds. Many of the creeping aquatic creatures developed from the varied species of reptiles.

We could now appreciate that there was a perfect chronology of Genesis 1:21 events for giant sea monsters and the creeping creatures that swarmed in the waters with Genesis 1:20 where God asked for the swarming sea creatures and then the birds. In Genesis 1:21 the giant sea creatures were mentioned before the birds, but the birds did not evolve from them until after the swarming creatures were created. So Creation followed the time course of Genesis 1:20 for first the swarming creatures and then the birds.

So oh my, the Bible could only have been issued by a Supreme Power and no man could have had any input into it!!

Details for that period of history are found in chapter one of the book.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Christian Bible Printers & the Torah (Hebrew Bible)

Blog 7 Christian Bible Printers and the Torah (Bible of the Israelites)

The Hebrew Bible consists of the Five Books of Moses (Christians call it The Old Testament) and the oral law called the Talmud and other works of law and history which together are referred to as the Torah, although the word ‘Torah’ is commonly used when referring to the written Bible itself.

The Torah as delivered by Moses was not originally divided into chapters but was one continuous set of scrolls. The categorization into chapters was begun in the Middle Ages by Christian Bible printers.

The original name given for the Five Books of Moses by the Hebrew Sages was ‘Book of Creation.’ Transliterated from the Hebrew it was pronounced Sefer Masseh Bereshith. In the sixteenth century when there was an attempt to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek, the Greek influence caused many to refer to the first book as Genesis, which means ‘origin’ in Greek. The present Hebrew name, transliterated sounds Bereshith, means ‘during the beginning.’ This name was adopted by the Jews (Hebrews) because BERESHITH is the first Hebrew word with which the Bible begins. Today most English translations for Jewish Bibles include both titles.

Our book, WHY HUMAN BEINGS DO NOT NEED BLIND FAITH TO BELIEVE IN CREATIONISM, is the first which offers collaborative scientific proof that the Bible is totally accurate. This means that only a Supreme Power could have issued the Bible to Moses.

The field of science, once thought to be in conflict with the Bible, is now our closest ally.

As the previous blog indicates, matching events of the Bible with scientific knowledge of when the different creative processes took place, has enabled us to even assign an appropriate time period for when each reported event of Genesis occurred.

The Torah (Hebrew Bible) was written in the common language of man so it would be understood not only by the Children of the Exodus but by all Jews who follow them.

Won’t you forward this message onto your friends and ask them to forward it onto theirs?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

GOD: the different names by which He is reffered to


GOD: the different names in the Hebrew Bible by which He is referred

God is referred to by different names in the Torah (Hebrew Bible). One name that God is referred to, as transliterated in the Hebrew, is Elohim. That name refers to God as the God of justice, ruler, the Creator.

At other times, God is referred to, as transliterated in the Hebrew, as Adonay. That name is used to refer to God when stressing His loving kindness, acts of mercy, and close relationship to man.

In the story of Genesis prior to Genesis 2:4, God is only referred to as Elohim.

During the story of the parable of the Garden of Eden from Genesis 2:4 through Genesis 3:24, God is always referred to by both names, Adonay Elohim together. With the exception of being referred to by both names at the same time again in Exodus 9:30, nowhere are both names used again together in the Torah when referring to God.

After Genesis 3:24, God is only referred to as either Adonay or Elohim depending on the topic.

Referring to God as Elohim only during the story of creation in Genesis 1 and referring to Him by both titles through the story of the parable of the Garden of Eden is one of the proofs that the physical story of creation is separate from the parable of the Garden of Eden episode. For more details proving that the Garden of Eden story is a parable and not a continuation of or a second story about creation, one should read the book. Note that the explanation for the mind boggler presented in blog #5 is also found in the book.

Unfortunately, all English translations of the Bible refer to God as God or Lord. Both names are seen as synonyms and the nuances of the significance of the Hebrew names indicating particular title characteristics are lost by nature of such translation.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mother of all Riddles: Rain or No Rain

Blog 5 MOTHER of all RIDDLES

In Genesis 2:5 which is leading to the Garden of Eden story, God tells us ‘there was no rain.’ The Bible is perfect and there are no errors in it.

Science tells us that in that period of time there was rain. Science is correct also.

Question: Can you explain how science (there was rain) and the Bible (there was no rain) both can be correct?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tree of Life vs. Tree of Knowledge of Good & Bad


In the parable of the Garden of Eden, we are told that the two key trees around which the story of Eden is all about are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad (Evil).

God tells Adam that he could eat ‘freely’ of any of the trees of the Garden “but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Bad you must not eat thereof, for on the day you eat of it, die, you shall die.”

What is so terrible about partaking of a fruit that will provide a person with knowledge? Shouldn’t that fruit be in fact a ‘must eat’ fruit?

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with the tree itself but among the things that was wrong was man’s ideas of what to expect he could achieve by partaking of the fruits of that tree.

We learn from the Bible that the snake led Eve to believe people who would eat from that tree would then become special as gods themselves. That meant women could avoid the pains of childbearing, the struggles of men to produce food would be minimized, and people would have what they had always sought for and that is immortality.

But the true tragedy of partaking of that tree was to be that the people who did it had disobeyed God. In Proverbs 3:7, King Solomon warned us against such behavior and he admonished “Do not be wise in your own eyes….” In our vernacular, this simply means that no person knows better than God what is best for oneself. The wisdom that Adam and Eve gained by eating from that tree was that they learned their beliefs and expectations were wrong and that they should have obeyed God.

One requirement for understanding a parable is to understand the vernacular expressions of the time. The threat of instant death is also part of the parable requiring interpretation because instant death did not follow after Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit and God had the people of the parable leaving the Garden and continuing with life. From II Samuel 12:5 we learn that the threat of death was actually a threat of punishment.

Nachmanides, one of the great Sages who was also a physician, had noted that man has to die eventually and death would have followed Adam even if he had not disobeyed God. We know that death had always followed all life and no one had been immune from this biologic process.

Even more mind boggling is the intriguing puzzle of how could both of those 2 trees be located in the same spot in the very center of the Garden?


How could both trees in question be in the same spot and where is the Garden of Eden?


Solve either puzzle and you’ve solved both.

Where Are The Answers:

The answers are found at the end of chapter two of the book and they will amaze you. The chapter also offers a detailed explanation and analysis of each verse of the Garden of Eden story. Order your copy now and walk a new path to the understanding of the Bible.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Sun

All Bibles read that the Sun was made in Day 4. In Genesis 1:16 most translations read “God ‘made’ the two great lights, the greater light to dominate the day and the lesser light to dominate the night, and the stars.”

Here then we are presented with a lot of assumptions and therefore confusions. Period 4 began four billion years ago and that was approximately 500 million years after Period 1 had begun. (See Blog 1 which explains, as the great sage Nachmanides claimed, that the world was created in six periods and not days.) A lot of the creation process that took place between Periods 1 and 4, required sunlight. Now science says that the Sun was created in Period 1 at the same time as the Earth so hence the confusion. So how do we account for the discrepancy if we claim the Torah (Bible) is absolutely perfect and science teaches something totally different from what creationist students are taught?

The response turns out to be quite simple. The Torah and science are in agreement but the problem is the way the translation of the Bible reads and the assumptions made as a result of such translation.

The Hebrew word found in chapter 1 of Genesis for the meaning of ‘create’ is transliterated as BORAH. That word for create is only used for something unique as it has been produced by God for the first time and there is nothing similar to it.

The Hebrew word found in chapter 1 of Genesis for the meaning of ‘made’ is transliterated as YA-AS. But ‘made’ is not a correct translation for Genesis 1:16 because according to the Sages, at the time of the Exodus that word was used to convey the thought of ‘putting something into its ultimate position.’ That something is an entity that already had been created.

So two factors have to be considered. The first is that the word BORAH is not a synonym for YA-AS. Yet most Bible readers consider those two words as synonyms and believe God created the Sun for the first time in Period 4, even though the word YA-AS tells us that the Sun had already been created earlier.

The second is that a more proper translation should read:

And God set the two great luminaries into their predetermined ordained positions, the greater luminary to dominate the day and the lesser luminary to dominate the night and the stars.

Science also tells us that the Moon was created after Period 1 was begun. The most accepted astronomical theory for the Moon’s formation was that the Earth was hit from space by an object the size of Mars and that crash sent tons of rock and debris into orbit. Those fragments eventually coalesced to form the Moon. The Earth’s gravity keeps our Moon in orbit.

So why would God use Period 4 to adjust the ultimate position of the Sun and the Moon?

It appears that the Earth’s position in the solar system in relation to the Sun and Moon was optimal at that time to make the period of 135 million years ago (the time in Period 4 when the ‘adjustment’ was taking place) the benchmark standard.

More Biblical and scientific information for this phenomenon is discussed in Chapter 1.